Cinosargo presents Dialogue of Latin American narrators at the Frankfurt Book Fair


Tema: Cinosargo presents Dialogue of Latin American narrators at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Hora: 16 oct 2020 01:00 PM Ciudad de México

Unirse a la reunión Zoom

ID de reunión: 814 5468 0911
Código de acceso: 703935

In this panel Yero Chuquicaña Saldaña (Perú), Elma Correa (México), Ana Nicholson Leos (México), and Óscar Barrientos Bradasic (Chile) will present a variety of contemporary narrative voices to the reading public of the Frankfurt Fair. The authors represent different generations and geographical points of the Latin American territory. The attendees will be able to meet authors' work, their particular styles, and influences in a dialogue that seeks to build bridges and communicating vessels within the new narrative in Spanish.

This talk will be held in Spanish 

Moderator: Daniel Rojas Pachas

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